Sessions Summaries

Two classes are available for your consideration. Additionally, classes can be developed to meet your specific goals and objectives.Both sessions include written materials and a lawyer-facilitator who will deliver the necessary information to you in a way which will motivate you to exceed your expectations while at the same time validate the good things you are doing. Please see reverse side for a description of each class.


  • Tribal Council
  • Gaming Commissioners and Employees
  • Gaming Enterprise Employees

Gaming Law & Regulation for Council, Commissioners & Casino Employees

Training Objective: Understand and apply tribal law, federal law and state rules in understanding tribal gaming as well as understanding the relationships between tribal council, gaming commission, gaming enterprise and officials from the federal and state governments.

This two day session is perfect for new people seeking an understanding of tribal gaming and will provide content which will give experienced people a better and more effective understanding of the confluence of tribal, state and federal rules. The session opens with a relevant conversation regarding sovereignty, immunity and jurisdiction. That is followed by a discussion of Cabazon, IGRA, Tribal Gaming Law (Ordinances), Tribal-State compacts and the impact of each on gaming. Next the session addresses the important relationships between Tribal Council and an independent regulator, between the Gaming Enterprise and the Gaming Commission, between casino human resources and Commission licensing. The session reviews the powers of the NIGC and the state. There is a relevant conversation regarding the licensing process and the principles of due process in license revocation hearings. The session concludes with a meaningful conversation regarding the future including iGaming and economic diversification.

Preparation for & Participation in Gaming Commission Hearings

Training Objective: Develop the skills to prepare for and participate in hearings before the Gaming Commission related to licensing and patron disputes.

The two day session starts with a conversation of the Commission’s delegated authority to conduct hearings and the impact of sovereign immunity. After that introduction the session focuses on the attorney-client privilege and work product, ex parte communication, adjudicator neutrality and confidentiality. The session transitions to a substantive discussion regarding strategic thinking. From the Commissioner’s perspective and the “prosecutor’s” perspective, there is an in depth conversation regarding evidence, hearsay, business records, demonstrative evidence, best evidence and the complete evidence rule. There is a meaningful conversation regarding authentication through witness testimony and self- authentication through those documents which qualify. Next the session addresses the elements of a license violation, exclusion and patron dispute. Thereafter the training focuses on issues before the hearing, conducting the hearing, deliberation, writing the decision and appeal. There is a detailed script and sample hearing procedures which will assist in this meaningful and insightful conversation.

Ready to Work Together?

Law Office of Richard G. McGee, LLC is dedicated to providing quality services in a timely and practical manner.